is geared toward academic excellence through a primarily college preparatory program. Every subject reflects relevance to contemporary issues, and a biblical worldview is applied to every subject.

Quality instruction at Maryville Christian School encompasses many areas. Qualified, spiritually mature teachers enthusiastically strive for success and excellence in their students. Creative teaching methods include a variety of strategies to meet the needs of individual students. There is purposeful intent in the selection of the best tools (curriculum, books, materials, etc.) to use in accomplishing clearly defined goals.
There are many things that make the curriculum of MCS distinctive. Higher level thinking skills, writing proficiency and reading comprehension, as well as study skills such as note-taking and research are emphasized in all subjects. The latest research-validated techniques in teaching are incorporated. Science and math are taught with the implementation of hands-on techniques. The offering of honors level courses allow advanced students to progress to a higher level of achievement.
Dual Credit through Bryan College is available for several courses, giving students the opportunity to earn college credit for courses that are taken here on the MCS campus. The capstone achievement that showcases all the skills acquired by the senior year is a year-long project reflecting experiences gained through an in-depth involvement with a community service or religious organization.
