Instrumental, Vocal, Performing, Visual, Media Arts
Maryville Christian's Fine Arts program currently offers classes in instrumental, vocal and performing arts, visual , and media arts. Our lower school students experience the arts through drawing, painting, music, instruments, and performance. The upper school curriculum provides opportunities through courses such as concert band, vocal performing arts, as well as visual arts, which includes experiences with a variety of mediums such as acrylics, watercolors, sketching, and sculpting. Our newest elective is Media Arts which includes photography, video production, and print media/yearbook.


Performing Arts / Drama:
The MCS Creative Arts Department is an extracurricular program available to all students in grades K-12. Established in 2011, this program offers a fall play production for Upper School students and a spring musical production for both Lower and Upper School students. Both of these productions are performed at The Clayton Center for the Arts.
Spring 2025: Auditions for "Matilda, Jr." will be held November 16 for our April performance at The Clayton Center. Contact our Fine Arts Director Scott Greer for further information.

Vocal Performing Arts / Choir
The MCS Vocal Performing Arts Department is both an academic and performing program. Students learn the ability to read and perform music from various musical periods and genres. Our Lower School music classes offer a nurturing environment to explore music through grade level experiences. The Lower School choirs perform throughout the year to further their musical understanding.
The Middle and High School Choirs perform in concerts and competitions in our region throughout the year. Students are challenged to take risks both personally and collaboratively to develop their musical skills. Course offerings allow the students to flourish creatively and deepen their knowledge.
About the Director:
Scott Greer serves as the Choir Director for the High School and Middle School Choirs, and teaches general music for our lower school. Mr. Greer serves as the Fine Arts Department chair for MCS. After years of performing throughout East Tennessee, he has brought his passion and love for Christ and music to our school. Mr. Greer loves to sing and loves to develop that same passion and skill in his students.

Instrumental Arts / Band
Participation in band provides many benefits for students: developing fine motor skills, exhibiting self-discipline and responsibility, teamwork, a social and creative outlet, and an opportunity to utilize their musical talent for the glory of God.
All 6th grade students join Beginning Band as their music class and they can choose to play flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone or snare drum/bells. They learn the fundamentals of music theory while being taught how to play a band instrument. Students who continue into Middle School band can choose to play from the full range of concert band instruments.
We have two Upper School Bands: Middle School band is comprised of 7th and 8th grade students and High School band is comprised of 9th - 12th grade students. Upper school bands continue expanding their music theory education to include composition skills and music history is added to the curriculum as well.
All bands perform multiple times throughout the year for school events and semi-annual concerts.

Visual Arts
In Art classes at MCS, all grades have the opportunity to develop skills in Visual Arts through drawing, paints, clay sculpting, relief art, print making, and more. MCS strives to provide a well-balanced Art experience. Upper School classes also study in depth the Elements of Art and Principals of Design.
About the Director:
April Davis has been an Art teacher for more than 12 years. She joined the MCS family in 2021. April teaches a large variety of art mediums in all of her classes to ensure that her students can experience multiple ways of expressing their creativity. Her passion is seeing her students learn new things that will honor God. Her class verse is:
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” – 1 Cor. 10:31

Media Arts
As image-bearers of the ultimate CREATOR, we are gifted with inspiration from God to share truth through visual media. In our Media Production and Yearbook classes, students are active participants in the "Eagle News" team, engaging with a variety of media platforms to create for His glory. We aim to inspire students to tell stories that matter with a foundation of TRUTH. The year-long course examines the basic components of journalism as well as photography, videography, editing, writing, lighting, and audio.
About the Director:
Indra Palmer has been in the media industry for nearly 30 years. After graduating from The University of Georgia with a Bachelor's in Journalism, Indra went on to work for Turner Broadcasting Inc,, CNN, and CNNRadio as a Producer, Anchor, Reporter, Writer, and Editor. In the early 2000's, she created her own Media Production company based in Atlanta, traveling globally to produce videos for numerous non-profits and ministries. She has helped launched television networks in India, Pakistan, and Serbia, training hundreds on editing and videography. She consults for various television shows, ministries, providing photography, script writing, narration, web development, and communications. She says developing the new Media Arts class and "Eagle News" is an honor completely from God for His glory.